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Akumal Norte Security

Keeping Akumal Norte Safe

Security for North Akumal is a major focus of Vecinos. Our security strategy has three key elements: visibility, reliable and effective procedures, and communication.  These are essential for maintaining a secure environment in our community. 

  • Dedicated guards are stationed at the Pluma (gate) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Surveillance cameras are strategically placed to ensure comprehensive coverage
  • Color-coded vehicle mirror tags enhance visibility and identify different categories of vehicles

Reliable and Effective Procedures

  • Vehicles with colored tags may proceed after a complete stop
  • Vehicles without tags are stopped for further verification
  • Guests visiting our community are required to present an access form provided by the owners/managers, available for download by clicking here
  • Upon registration at the gate, guests receive a red tag, which must be displayed on their vehicle's front window throughout their stay. Please emphasize the need for guests to return the red tags at the end of their stay
  • Vehicles without tags are asked for their destination and must present ID, which is photographed under the camera


  • Software at the Community Center allows the National Guard to access live camera feeds from the Pluma

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