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Turtle Talk!

Turtle season came to an end on Half Moon Bay on October 31st. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the Half Moon Bay volunteers (also known as the Guardians of Akumal s turtles) Leslie Griffiths, Jeny Prier Rovello and Monica Mangione, who each put in countless hours during the season. Sheree Gibson and Diana Harris were also instrumental in filling in whenever the need arose. Thanks to each and every one of the volunteers! Turtle season runs from May to November, so if anyone is in town next season and would like to volunteer their time, please reach out to the volunteers or CEA for more information.

The final official nesting count on Half Moon Bay for 2023 was 168 nests. These were made up of 44 loggerhead turtles, 123 green turtles, and one Hawksbill turtle nesting site. 

Turtle conservation efforts, such as protecting our nesting areas, community involvement, and government initiatives, have been crucial in preserving these nesting sites and increasing turtle populations. However, challenges like habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, marine traffic, and invasive species, such as coatis and raccoons have continued to threaten the turtles on our bay. 

We can all help in conservation efforts to address these threats by promoting beach cleanups on Half Moon Bay, keeping our trash cans secured, and raising awareness about the importance of sea turtle nesting sites on our bay. If youd like more information on how you can help the sea turtle nesting program, please reach out to Centro Ecolรณgico Akumal at: / 984 217 3385

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