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The costs of the Government Project are not included in Vecinos' annual budget because we strive to keep member dues low. However, we need to raise $500,000 pesos for the next phase of the project. 

Please click here to donate as generously as you can and help keep Akumal Norte as we all know it and love it. Thank you!


    Summary of Findings


    Survey of official Akumal Norte community boundaries and communal lands

    • There is a Catastro map of Akumal Norte on file in Tulum 
    • In 2021, Vecinos had the community and communal lands surveyed as a result of the many changes in government oversight and control of the Akumal area since it was established in 1975
    • We need to go to Catastro and bring our surveys to be integrated into Tulum’s surveys to create a unified survey of the boundaries (not the individual lots) of Akumal Norte
    • Accurate maps are important to determine where electrical and sewage systems will be placed
    • Next step: negotiate recognized legal boundaries for Akumal Norte

  • Security

    • Presently Guardia National, Tulum police, and Target patrol Akumal Norte
    • However, we need to attain government guidelines for operating the Pluma with legal permits and follow agreements reached with Federal law enforcement
    • The Vecinos Security Committee has set up a meeting in September with the commanding general of the Guardia, the Director of police for Tulum municipality, and the private Target security service Vecinos employs to establish operational policies between the three security elements, and establish procedures for owners and tourists to report any incidents

  • Sewer System

    • Sewage runoff is the leading cause of pollution in the bay, lagoon, and mangrove.
    • We need to act as managers before the authorities do and propose a model that can benefit all concerned
    • CAPA estimated cost for the project is 46 million pesos
    • Vecinos continues to have good relations with CAPA, but the municipality does not yet have a definitive plan for Akumal
    • We are also studying joining in with a private system, but much more information is needed before any decision can be made or presented to the community

    Urban Development

    • Akumal Norte will continue to grow, with new construction and higher loads for roads and service
    • Vecinos will evaluate the federal government’s urban development plan as it affects Akumal Norte and develop a joint plan based on the Federal urban plan and a community plan from Vecinos

  • Electrical system

    • Akumal Norte’s electrical infrastructure is vulnerable to short circuits and other failure due to lack of maintenance
    • Branches rubbing against wires produces voltage fluctuations that damage air conditioners and other equipment
    • Members of the Vecinos Electrical Committee met with the superintendent of CFE and we have set up a bi-annual foliage cutting plan
    • Cutting dates will be announced two weeks before each date
    • The plan is set for mid-October and again mid-March each year

  • Street lighting

    • To maintain our non-urban character and retaining our private status, we need to continue and upgrade our lighting program 
    • Areas to be lit and types of lighting used should maintain the environmental approach that protects our turtle program while giving our community safety

  • Urban Image

    • As a complement to street lighting, the roadway and the vegetation strip that borders the mangrove swamp require attention
    • It currently looks overgrown and, in some cases, abandoned

  • Trash (solid and hazardous waste)

    • There is no comprehensive plan for the management and final disposal of solid and hazardous waste. We must comply with an organic waste collection program.
    • We need to design a plan for the management and final disposal of solid and hazardous waste in a way that guarantees recycling and/or correct confinement of waste and enables Akumal Norte to obtain international certificates of environmental responsibility.
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