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Transportation Tailored to Our Community!

New Shuttle and Taxi Service

A new shuttle and taxi service is now available to help residents, workers, and guests get around. 

Whether you need a ride to the Pueblo, Yalku, an airport (including the new Tulum airport) or anywhere in the area, this service can help. There's an hourly shuttle running between Yalku and the Pueblo from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Fares are $10 pesos for Akumal residents with ID, $20 pesos for Mexican nationals, and $40 pesos for tourists.

Van service for five to eight people and taxi service for one to four people are available by reservation.

Our sincere thanks to Patronato Akumal Norte for spearheading the efforts to implement this new mode of transportation, which is a significant step towards improving accessibility for our residents. 

Please click here for more information on services and fares.


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